
Looe Lifeboat Appeal – Raising funds for the Ollie Naismith II

The RNLI has just launched an appeal to raise £78,000 for a new D-class inshore lifeboat, at Looe. Like the current D-class, the new lifeboat (due to arrive in 2022) will be named in memory of Ollie Naismith.  

A D-class inshore lifeboat has served Looe since 1992, but next year, the current D Class Ollie Naismith will have reached the end of its operational life and needs to be replaced. The appeal aims to raise the total amount needed to build the lifeboat, deliver it to station, together with all the relevant kit and provide the necessary ongoing crew training.

Launching this appeal during a pandemic means that many traditional fundraising activities are on hold until lockdown restrictions are relaxed. However, we will still be marking the launch virtually with the premiere of our appeal video on the RNLI Looe Lifeboat Station Facebook page. The appeal team are planning fundraising events, including concerts in the boathouse, beach activities and open days, details of these will be released when circumstances allow. In the meantime, we are looking to use social media to promote our appeal and would love our followers and supporters to share it with friends and engage with their own socially distanced fundraisers.

People wishing to support the appeal can donate and / or fundraise in a number of ways: 

· Visit the Looe Lifeboat Appeal JustGiving page.

· Visit the Looe Lifeboat Donation page.

· Make a direct donation to the appeal by contacting the fundraising team at, who can provide online banking details or a postal address for your donation.

· If you’d like to hold a fundraising event or activity, you can setup your own JustGiving page by visiting and clicking on the “Start Fundraising” button.

To find out more about this appeal, and the fantastic work of the RNLI,  head on over to their official website.