Welcome to Looe!

To plan your visit to Looe, including places to stay, eat and explore or to discover what’s on during your stay, please go to our destination website at visitlooe.co.uk. 

Or why not visit us? Looe Tourist Information Centre is located in the ground floor of the Looe Town Council building at Looe Library & Community Hub, Millpool, West Looe, PL13 2AF.  Our friendly staff will be pleased to meet you and you can pick up maps and leaflets to help you enjoy your stay.  Our opening hours are: Monday & Friday 9:30am – 1pm, Tuesday & Thursday 9:30am – 5pm  and Saturday 10am – 2pm.  During the summer months we also have an unmanned trailer which is full of useful information and located in our private car park opposite the Library building, this is open 9am to 5pm every day, weather permitting.