You will need to be a member of Cornwall Libraries to borrow items from our library.  Membership is free. Sign up online to become a member today.

We are now open for you to come along and become a member of the library.

Browse the catalogue

We have a range of items and materials that you can borrow through Cornwall Libraries including:

  • popular, classic and contemporary fiction (arranged alphabetically by author name)
  • large print titles – fiction and non-fiction
  • informational, educational and recreational books
  • CDs
  • DVDs
  • online newspapers
  • eBooks
  • audiobooks
  • online magazines
  • music scores
  • plays

Members may borrow up to 12 items from our collection of books, talking books, CDs, DVDs and computer games.

Members can borrow:

  • books for three weeks
  • CDs, DVDs and computer games for one week
  • 5 eBooks for two weeks
  • 5 audiobooks for three weeks

You can renew items if you’d like to keep them for longer (some restrictions apply).

If you would like to keep the item you have borrowed for a bit longer, you can renew your items online by logging into your library account (this link opens in a new window).

You can also renew items by phone, please click on the above link for details.

Please note that some restrictions may apply.

The library is now open for you to return your books in person or if outside of opening hours please put through the book letter box.

We will not be issuing any late fines for items. Help us by passing on this message to friends and relatives who might be concerned.

Here are some links to help you borrow and access items online (links open in a new window):