
Road Updates from Cornwall Highways

We have two road updates to share with you. We understand that these updates are important to many of you. We are committed to keeping you informed and up-to-date.

The Following Information has been provided by Cornwall Highways.

Update One: [Rear of In Lieu, North Road, West Looe]

Start Date: Works to repair the retaining wall behind In Lieu on North Road started  on 30 September 2024. This project will be delivered in conjunction with the upcoming project on Polperro Road.

What works are taking place?

  • The repair work involves installing piles and anchors to support the highway and decrease pressure on the access steps below. To achieve this, a scaffolding platform will need to be constructed for the plant and machinery to sit upon. Once the piles are in place, the masonry facing the wall will be rebuilt, and the pile cap will be constructed before the parapet is rebuilt.
  • Please be aware the work activities may generate a moderate level of noise. To minimise disruption, the contractor will use their best efforts to reduce noise levels as far as reasonably possible.

Traffic management arrangements

  • The current (partial) road closure will remain during the piling works, and pedestrian access will also be restricted until the scaffolding on the road can be removed.
  • Working times will be between the hours of 7:30am to 5pm. Monday to Friday

Update Two [A387 Polperro Road & North Road Junction, West Looe]

What works are taking place?

The initial phase of the project will include removing weak sections of the retaining wall and excavating the area of slope failure further before the subsequent installation of the soil nailing system, which includes installing a geotechnical mesh to support the slope surface.

Following this, some stabilisation works will be undertaken on the retaining wall under the Little Westwood property before installing a pile and anchor system on North Road. These piles will support the highway and decrease the pressure on the retaining wall below.

This project aims to prevent future collapse and ensure the highway is in safe, serviceable condition and open to traffic.

Similar to the work on North Road, there is likely to be moderate noise from the construction activities. Once again, the contractor will make every effort to minimise noise levels and reduce disruption.

Traffic management arrangements

A road closure will be necessary to carry out the work. This is scheduled to be in place from Monday 4th November to Friday 20 December.

 We understand that this may cause some disruption during the half-term period and want to assure you that we are looking at all options to ensure minimal traffic disruption. A meeting is being held this week to discuss the current permit and consider measures that could be taken to work with a revised start date of 4 November.

We recognise the challenges the businesses face and are fully committed to doing all we can to support the business community’s interests while these essential safety operations take place.

To meet the project deadline, work will need to be carried out during the day and into the evening from Monday to Friday, with the possibility of working on weekends where required. The proposed working times are between 7.30am and 11pm.

Access will be maintained for the school bus services. The transport team is looking at options for the local bus services that will not be able to go through the closure.

Prior to the start of any work bus service information will be available on the Cornwall Council, Go Cornwall Bus and Traveline South West websites.

Emergency access will be maintained between 7.30am and 11pm, while the workforce is on site.

Two-way traffic lights may need to be installed at the junction to ensure effective traffic flow between Quay Road and the bridge.

The road closure will remain in place for the duration of the project, and residents will need to use the signed diversion routes.

Only access into the road to Millpool Cottages from Bridgend will be permitted, and ‘businesses open as usual’ signage will be in place at Bridgend.

We are aware the Christmas lights switch will take place on Friday 29 November. Which includes a walked lantern parade where the use of the Millpool car parking facility will be much needed. We will work with the contractor to ensure measures are in place to support the safety and success of the event.

Once the contractor has confirmed all the necessary arrangements, we will provide a further update and be able to communicate the information to the wider community.