your town needs you.

Looe Volunteers

A Message from the Mayor:

In my inauguration speech in May, I expressed my desire to set up a town wide volunteer scheme for Looe. As I’m sure you know, there are a number of volunteer groups that already do a fantastic job in the town in particular areas. However, some of these have trouble recruiting new volunteers and there are also things that need doing around the town that the current volunteer groups are not set up to do.


Our aim is to help put volunteers in touch with existing groups who need additional help and, as well, to develop a volunteer structure for those projects needed by the town, which may not be possible to achieve given the resources available but could be undertaken by teams of volunteers. To move this idea forward, ‘Looe Volunteers CIC’, a new Community Interest Company is being set up to help co-ordinate and facilitate volunteer work across the town.


We will be calling a public meeting on the 30th November at the Millpool Centre, Looe, 7pm until 9pm for all those interested in finding out more and in helping deliver this initiative. Further details will appear on the Looe Town Council website but if you would like to register your interest now, please email me at