
Let’s Talk – Woodland Management Plans Survey


Cornwall Council is developing woodland management plans for a number of its sites.


“During these times it seems that, like never before, our woodlands are tremendously important. They provide us with some of the richest habitats, delivering numerous environmental and health benefits to all. Woodlands ‘lock up’ carbon, a major contributor to global warming and we know that time spent within woodlands promotes physical activity, reduces stress and improves mental health (to name but a few of those benefits).

Our woodlands are facing increasing challenges – our changing climate and the arrival of new pests and diseases, for example Ash dieback, have the potential to cause the loss of woodland trees.

In order to address these challenges, Cornwall Council is developing woodland management plans for a number of its sites, your local woodland is one of these”


To find out more details and have your say, head on over to the

Woodland Management Plans page and select your local woodland.