The Mayor’s Update
We are now well into our third lockdown and many businesses are struggling to keep afloat. Many of our wonderful food suppliers are still offering a delivery or click and collect service so can I ask you, if you are able, to continue to shop local and shop Looe. We are an incredibly strong and resilient community which was highlighted in the programme on Cornwall with Simon Reeve, and supporting our local businesses is what we do best, so please make the effort and find out if a local business can supply you with your needs rather than a national business. It may take more time but pays dividends in better, more environmental produce and makes sure our businesses weather this lockdown.
Looe is currently above the national average for Covid-19 cases (image attached) so I urge residents to continue to follow the government guidance and only go out if absolutely necessary apart from one daily exercise session and remember hands, face, space. My sincere thanks go to the Old Bridge Surgery, Looe Development Trust and Looe Lions for their hard work in testing the Millpool Centre as a vaccination centre for the Town. The surgery have asked me to remind you that they will contact you regarding your COVID vaccine so could you please refrain from calling them.
I am delighted to report that Looe Neighbourhood Development Plan has been submitted to Cornwall Council. Details of the plan can be found here. This is a significant step forward for Looe as Neighbourhood planning gives us, as a community, direct power to develop a shared vision for our neighbourhood and shape the development and growth of our local area. It is a large document, but we are planning a series of video clips to explain the sections – please watch out for them. My thanks go to the steering group and our consultant, Steve Beresford-Foster, for over 5 years of hard work. There will be public consultation in the near future and I urge you to take an interest.
My thoughts and sympathies go out to everyone who is experiencing a family member who is ill who they are unable to see. I know how difficult it is not to be with your loved ones, to hold their hand and support them. My thoughts and best wishes go to anyone in this situation. Take care.
These are extremely trying times but the Council continues to develop new initiatives for the Town which you can read about on our website. We were delighted to welcome members of the public to our last full Council meeting and please, feel free to attend any of our meetings – it is nice to see a new face! Details on how to join our meetings are on our new website
Finally, as always, stay safe, stay positive in these challenging times and I wish you the very best.
Cllr Martin Gregory
Mayor of Looe