Remembrance 23

Remembrance Sunday-A Message from the Mayor

Remembrance Sunday

A Message from the Mayor:

It was good to see so many attending the Remembrance Sunday service at Looe War Memorial on 12th November. Special thanks must go to the Royal British Legion, St Pinnock Band, Revd. Ben Morgan- Lundie and all the volunteers that helped to bring the service together.


As a battlefield guide and military historian, I take many student and adult groups to the battlefields of France and Belgium each year and sometimes we visit the grave of or memorial to one of the groups ancestors. Often it is the first time that a member of the family has ever been to the site, and it is always an emotional moment watching them reflect on the life sacrificed. Some people have with them an old photograph showing the young man, proud in his uniform before he went overseas, or a letter from the front, things that have been treasured by the family over the generations to keep alive the memory of a loved one that never came home.


As Binyon wrote:


“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old:

Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn.

At the going down of the sun and in the morning

We will remember them”.