Looe Aerial Photos 3

Planning Applications

We received a high number of planning applications in January and have scheduled some briefing meetings to consider these so that we can provide Town Council comments to Cornwall Planning Officers. These briefings will be held via Zoom and members of the public are still very welcome to join us even though the meetings will be less formal than the monthly Planning Committees. Applications to be considered over the next two weeks are:

Tuesday 15th February

PA21/03163 – Polvellan Manor, the Millpool, West Looe

PA21/12148 – Stonebank, Shutta, East Looe

Tuesday 22nd February

PA22/00208 – Uplands, East Cliff, East Looe

PA22/00603 – 1-3 Port View, Fore Street, East Looe

PA22/00718 – Rooftop of Looe Community School

PA22/00742 – Wespenton, Barbican Hill, East Looe

If you would like to join us to ask about or comment on any of these applications, please contact enquiries@looetowncouncil.gov.uk or call us on 01503 262255.