28 Nov 22Photography Competition 28 Nov 22 1

Photography Competition

Illumination Street Week 5-11 December is a ‘National Calendar Campaign’ to help combat those shorter days and cloudy skies.

It celebrates the passion, flair, and effort that people around Britain invest in lighting up their homes, streets, and towns for Christmas to celebrate Looe Town Council and Visit Looe are offering you the chance to enter a photography competition open now until New Year’s Day. Calling all amateur photographers and enthusiasts, we are inviting you to submit an image of illuminations around Looe.

This can be from your own home, street or taken in Looe Town Centre. It can encompass any kind of illumination. You could for example take an image at one of the biggest events in Looe’s calendar, the annual Looe Lantern Procession taking place on Friday 2 December, starting at 5.45pm, from the Globe Inn or from Millpool Carpark walking down to the Quayside Centre, West Looe.

The winner will receive a 16 x 12” canvas of their winning image and their photograph will be used as the cover image on the Visit Looe social media platforms for a month after the competition finishes The judges will be looking for:

1) Relevance to the subject

2) Creativity and originality

3) Clarity

Terms & Conditions and further information can be found at https://www.visitlooe.co.uk/competition

Images should be saved as a JPEG or PNG and emailed to looemedia@gmail.com together with your contact details and where the image was taken. We reserve the right to use your image in promotional posts subject to acknowledging you are the photographer.

The Competition Closes on 01/01/2023.

Good luck to all entrants and we look forward to seeing your great images of Looe. Don’t forget to follow us as we will be posting regular updates on the competition #IlluminationSt #Looe #photographycompetition