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Some years ago, Looe twinned with the little French seaside town of Quiberon. Over the last twenty years, however, contact has been somewhat lost.

Recently the Mayor, Tony Smith, wrote to the Mayor of Quiberon, Patrick Le Roux, to see whether we could revitalise our relationship. His reply was very positive, and he put forward several ideas as to how we could get things going again including exchange visits, school trips and even offering young people opportunities to gain work experience in their town!

It would be really good now if we could get together a small team of community volunteers to take things to a next step. Ideally, we need someone with a working knowledge of French who can act as a lead liaison person and start the ball rolling.

If you would like to be that lead or would just like to help with the initiative, please drop Tony an email at enquiries@looetowncouncil.gov.uk and we’ll get together for an informal chat and bounce some ideas around.

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