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Looe Lugger Regatta 2023

The bi-annual regatta here in lovely Looe is a celebration of the area’s fishing heritage. Traditional Luggers, two masted sailing boats once common along the coasts of England and France, head to the historical port for the regatta. Boats will arrive in Looe during the week leading up to the event depending on weather and tide conditions.


During the regatta, the Luggers, some of which sail across the channel from France, compete in six races spread over the two days of competition. Around fifty boats, many of which were built more than a hundred years ago and lovingly restored by their owners, unfurl their sails in the harbour creating a magnificent spectacle.

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Across the river in West Looe you can get a grandstand view from the long stretch of seafront above Hannafore Beach overlooking Looe Island. To wind down after a day of racing there is entertainment on the Saturday evening in Looe fish market.

The weather is a fickle mistress and plays a large part in the weekends activities. Too much or too little and the programme for the weekend tends to get changed around a bit, but even if the boats don’t leave the harbour, there will be something to see.

Contact Looe Tourist Information Centre on 01503 262390 for up to date information.

Looe Town Council would like to wish good luck to all participants of the Looe Lugger Regatta 2023.