Looe Fore Street, Drainage Works
The necessary Drainage work in Fore Street of drainage removal and reinstatement from the Golden Guinea to Salutation Inn, requires the implementation of the full closure of Fore Street for vehicles.
To cause minimum disruption, this will be undertaken over 7 nights (Monday to Friday) and be for a maximum of 2 hours per night starting Monday 6th February. The closure will be from 18:00 – 20:00 to cause the least disruption to businesses, residents and pedestrians, this is to enable the excavation of small sections which will be then reinstated, this will allow the reopening the same evening and no disruption through the working day.
During the 2 hour window, the road closure and diversion will be in place for the use of Barbican Hill to suitable sized traffic. To accommodate this there will be various marshals positioned upon Fore Street and Barbican Hill, to undertake Stop and Go. The marshals will be positioned by Coop on Fore Street, The Cornish Bakehouse on Fore Street, The Museum on Higher Market Street and at the top of Barbican Hill. The marshals will be able to help and direct traffic during the closure – if there are any problems please speak to the teams involved.