
Looe Dye Testing Notice

Southwest Water will be adding harmless fluorescent dye into sewers and artificially surcharging the network in parts of Looe on Tuesday 29th November 2022 from 05:00am.

This is in order to help identify defects in our wastewater network which may allow for saline infiltration. This will allow Southwest Water to plan improvements to the town’s sewerage service.

Southwest Water staff will be observing the river and wastewater network from 09:00am. If dye is released, they will be able to pinpoint any manholes or sections of pipe that require further investigation and repair.  The dye will disperse naturally and is not harmful to the environment.

The Environment Agency, Natural England and the Marine Management Organisation have been briefed and are supportive of the testing. The Harbour Master and East Looe Town Trust have also been informed.

Any members of the public who see GREEN dye or who have any concerns should email: dyetesting@southwestwater.co.uk