Latest information from Cormac on Shutta Road works
In an email received this week Cormac stated:
Firstly could I please apologise for our lateness in sending you this update. We’re acutely aware that it is much overdue and are very sorry for the frustration that has been caused by not contacting you sooner.
Following the commencement of repairs to the original three sections of wall on Shutta Road, additional sections of parapet wall have been identified as unstable and must be also be rebuilt. These repairs will be a continuation of those currently underway and include the rebuilding of the parapet wall adjacent to the wall behind Dolphin and a 18m section of parapet wall at Trelyne Cottage. The completion of the previously identified works, plus these new sections is programmed for the end of June 2021. Please be assured that every effort will be made to reduce that timeframe.
Whilst we have been carrying out the original works we agreed with the Cornwall Council that all repairs, including those more recently identified, should be carried out during the original road closure booking, in an effort to reduce disruption to residents at a later date by closing the road again. The additional sections that have been identified are unstable and leaning and a considerable hazard to persons below the wall and users of the highway.
The intention was to reuse the existing stonework to reconstruct the parapet walls where possible since they are located in a Conservation Area. However, it soon became apparent that the existing stonework could not be reused and was unsuitable, as it comprised of generally small and highly weathered stones that needed the existing bound mortar removed. Additionally, since the existing walls are very slender and generally 450mm wide, quarried stonework was also deemed not feasible, since a double-faced stone parapet is required. Aside from the extensive cutting operations which would be needed, creating a great deal of create noise and dust, the parapet would not achieve the required strength. The method of construction adopted attempts to address all of these considerations, plus maintains access for emergency vehicles, workspace for the gang, alongside sufficient containment for pedestrians and vehicles, whilst achieving a suitably strong replacement parapet wall.
I’m sure you can appreciate, we have experienced some delays following members of the site team having to self-isolate, in line with Covid-19 work procedures and we must also maintain gang structures on all of our sites (or “work bubbles”), minimising any movement of personnel from one site to another. The imposition of the current lockdown has also impacted some of our supply chain for the materials we require, and this has also caused some delays. We will seek to engage additional resource as soon as it is possible and endeavour to reduce the works programme if the opportunity presents itself.
We are extremely aware that although they are essential, these safety works are causing inconvenience to those living in the vicinity and we very much appreciate you all being so patient. The site team will continue to plan their working methods to keep access to your properties open as much as possible, however some tasks may require temporary blockage and we again thank you for your patience and ask that you please bear with them. They do understand the disruption you’re experiencing and will do their best to facilitate your needs.
If you have any queries or concerns, or would like to speak to someone about this, please call 0300 1234 222 or email us at